Information and translations of nan desu ka in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. What is the meaning of sore wa nan desu ka. Pin Page What do the Japanese mean when saying Desu ka Desu is a word from the Japanese language and often demonstrates a question and the end of a sentence. . But essentially it means why. The word nani 何 な に is one of the most common words in the Japanese language. Watashi wa nan desu ka. Meaning of nan desu ka. Note that it is possible to also convert これ to kanji - 此れ but this is seldom used. Sore wa nihongo de nan desu ka. I was surprised by how much trouble I had in translating this into English. Japanese native speakers often say onamae wa nan desu ka to mean what is your name in Japanese. Definition and meaning of nani desu ka First of all let me start with the definition and meaning of nani desu ka. So one can deduce this comm...